Donald Trump vs Joe Biden Golf Handicap Dispute

Taxes, immigration, and foreign affairs are typical debate topics, but golf took center stage in the latest USA presidential debate.

Golf has become a surprising topic of contention between Joe Biden and Donald Trump during their televised clash for the White House.

Arguments and insults are common in these debates, but this time they bickered about their golfing skills.

Trump boasted about his recent victories: “I just won two club championships, not even senior ones,” he said on CNN. “To do that you have to be quite sharp and hit the ball a long way. He [Biden] can’t hit a ball 50 yards.”

Biden fired back by challenging Trump’s fitness: “Look, I’d be happy to have a driving contest with him. I got my handicap down to six when I was vice president,” he responded. “I’d be happy to play golf if you carry your own bag.”

Golf Debate Takes Over

Trump dismissed Biden’s claims with laughter: “That’s the biggest lie, that he’s a six handicapper,” Trump scoffed. “I’ve seen your swing.”

Fans might think it’s odd seeing presidential candidates argue over golf instead of policy issues.

The unexpected focus on golf sparked reactions from both mainstream media and social platforms. One fan even suggested a special edition of The Match featuring Trump vs. Biden for the presidency.

Golf bloggers were stunned that such an important debate turned into a discussion about handicaps. Jason Sobel tried to clarify things by sharing evidence of rounds played by both men—Trump had a handicap index of 2.5 while Biden’s was 6.7.

Watch the full clip below as the US Presidential election debate turns into a row about golf…

What do you think? Should they stick to politics or is this kind of banter entertaining?

Elliott Mitchell
Elliott Mitchell
Elliott Mitchell is a Golf Glance Senior Writer. After earning a degree in Sports Journalism, he joined the club in 2021. Elliott is in charge of Golf Glance's news, features, and travel sections, as well as the courses.

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