Curtis Cup Live Score: GB & I Win Trophy in Thrilling Finish

The Curtis Cup ended in a thrilling victory for GB&I.

Mimi Rhodes and Melanie Green were on the green, with Rhodes having already hit out of bounds. Green was close to the hole in three shots, making it clear who would win. When Catriona Matthew told Rhodes to concede, GB&I’s celebrations began.

GB&I secured their first Curtis Cup since 2016!

Rachel Kuehne had a tough match against Donegan but managed to clinch a 3&2 victory on the 16th hole. This was her final Curtis Cup appearance before turning professional, where many expect her to win more titles.

Green nearly made an incredible putt but missed by a whisker. However, Mimi Rhodes saved par spectacularly, ensuring GB&I’s victory with one hole left. Fans might think this was one of the most exciting finishes ever!

GB&I On The Brink:

Rhodes positioned her ball perfectly below the hole on the 17th, setting up a good chance for par. Meanwhile, Green’s shot landed far from the target. In another match, Megan Schofill struggled on the 16th while Lorna McClymont capitalized and won her match.

Rhodes’ ball was found near a tree base earlier; she had to play it safe and hit sideways. Advantage clearly went to Green at that point.

USA’s Kuehn wowed everyone with an eagle on the par-5 14th after an amazing second shot. She went two up with that move.

On the 17th tee, McClymont stayed strong with a great putt on the 15th while Rhodes’ drive veered off course. Green responded by hitting straight down the middle.

Mimi Stays Solid:

Despite pressure from Green’s excellent putt, Rhodes remained calm and made her short par putt on the 16th hole. They moved to the next hole with Rhodes leading by one.

Jasmine Koo brought USA closer by defeating Beth Coulter 4&3 on the 15th hole after some precise golf shots. Schofill reduced her deficit against McClymont while Donegan fought back against Kuehne, reducing her lead from three down to just one down—intense moments at Sunningdale!

Melanie Green nailed a long-range putt to halve with Mimi Rhodes on the 15th—an outstanding effort! Meanwhile, Donegan clawed back another hole against Kuehne.

Beth Coulter made a lovely birdie putt on the 14th despite trailing Jasmine Koo significantly earlier in their match—she cut Koo’s lead from five down to three with four holes left.

Current Situation:

With four matches still ongoing and GB&I holding a narrow lead of 9-7, they needed just one more point to reclaim their first Curtis Cup since 2016. As things stood then, they were poised for victory but anything could change quickly in such competitions.

Patience Rhodes had already won convincingly (6&5). Her sister Mimi also needed to secure a win for GB&I’s overall triumph; she led by one after being three down earlier—a testament to peak match play golf!

What do you think about these nail-biting finishes?

Elliott Mitchell
Elliott Mitchell
Elliott Mitchell is a Golf Glance Senior Writer. After earning a degree in Sports Journalism, he joined the club in 2021. Elliott is in charge of Golf Glance's news, features, and travel sections, as well as the courses.

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